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Why Invest in Latin America

Without repeating myself, since Latin America is yet emerging rather than matured and with the exception of Cuba and Venezuela right now, most economists covering the region are projecting robust economic growth, expansion of capital markets, poverty reduction, improvements in access to private education, improved public education, upward social mobility, inequality reduction, infrastructure developments, improved social management and the promotion of ethical behavior across all levels.

Therefore, these features translate into business opportunities to take action immediately and enjoy the ride because the future not only seems bright but it will indeed be one where an investor or entrepreneur believing in my story will reap the benefits. For instance, if you’re an American all you have to do is talk to Woods Staton from Colombia or David Neeleman from Brazil because both entrepreneurs are actually descendants of American immigrants who made their own American dream south of the border in order for you to prove my story. In fact, Woods Staton controls an empire forged from around 2,000 franchised restaurant locations being the biggest franchisee of McDonald’s Corporation worldwide running an operation listed on the NYSE and known as Arcos Dorados Holdings Corporation while David Neeleman is probably a newly minted billionaire in his own right who founded Brazil’s third largest passenger airline known as Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A. and whose sales now reach close to $ 3 billion a year. However, although Mr. Neeleman holds widespread business interests in America, he still derives a sizable share of his fortune from ownership of his low-cost passenger air carrier in Brazil.

To conclude, feel free to take a look at the content I will be providing you covering the following ten topics:

1) Business Opportunities (Potential lucrative possibilities present in Latin America).

2) Conglomerates to Watch (Description of expanding multi-sector company groups in Latin America).

3) Country Analysis (Description of national economies growing in Latin America).

4) Current Events (Description of sociopolitical and socioeconomic affairs happening in Latin America).

5) Entrepreneurs to Watch (Track-record of prominent magnates growing in Latin America).

6) Industry Analysis (Studies about strategic business sectors thriving in Latin America).

7) Industry Titans (Description of dominant companies in Latin America).

8) Multinationals to Watch (Description of expanding companies in Latin America holding substantial investments abroad).

9) Special Situations (Arbitrage opportunities present in Latin American stock markets).

10) Stocks to Follow (Good long positions to be held in Latin American common stocks).