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Entrepreneurs to Watch

Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor, a newcomer and expanding tycoon in Peru:

By 08/15/2014December 26th, 2024No Comments

Carlos Rodriguez PastorPeruvian entrepreneur Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor led an amazing and aggressive expansion in Peru of a conglomerate he controls constituting a diverse holding of a sizable number of companies. In fact, with systemwide sales expected to surpass $ 5 billion this year, his holding group known as Intercorp and registered off-shore in the Caribbean as IFH Peru Limited while being privately-held and based in Lima, Peru has swallowed under its umbrella a whole array of businesses beginning with a commercial bank he inherited from his late father known as Interbank S.A. which is now the fourth-largest in Peru while holding assets of around $ 10 billion.

Moreover, to make a long story short highlighting the track-record of this marvelous entrepreneur, Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor left Peru at the age of nine in the late 1960s when his father was forced to resign as Minister of Finance after a coup d’état deposed the government he was working for. Afterwards, the family established themselves in California after having sought political asylum here in America while letting Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor finish his undergraduate degree in Social Studies at Berkeley and later culminate his MBA at the Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business in New Hampshire. Subsequently after working on Wall Street for Citibank, N.A., he ran a hedge fund owned by the Santander Group when he decided to return to his native Peru in 1994 to work for a small commercial bank his late father had gained a controlling economic interest in it known as Interbank S.A. At this organization, he climbed through the ranks and later inherited the controlling economic interest from his father after leading a successful expanding phase of the entity. By 2006, Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor was well established when he decided to restructure the group in order to propel the entrance into other sectors of the Peruvian economy. Today, Intercorp has tentacles dispersed widely across the Peruvian economy including a supermarket chain, a movie theater chain, home-improvement supply stores, fast-food restaurants, pharmacies, department stores, hotels, indoor malls, a credit card business, a residential property developer, an insurance firm, a private bank, an investment bank, asset and mutual fund management businesses, a business school with campuses in various Peruvian cities, a training center for employees and then of course the commercial bank he inherited from his late father. The commercial bank he inherited, widely known as Interbank, has more than 200 branches now after having provided him with the seed capital he needed to lead such a splendid expansion and letting him attain billionaire status. Accordingly, I think is prudent for me to list the main group of companies he controls as follows:

Supermercados Peruanos S.A: a chain of some 100 grocery stores he owns currently after acquiring them from Dutch multinational Royal Ahold N.V. while operating under the banners “Vivanda” and “Plaza Vea”. The company reports approximately $ 1 billion a year in sales.

Cineplex S.A.: a chain of movie theaters operating under the name “Cineplanet” while holding around 70 screens in the country nowadays.

Homecenters Peruanos S.A.: a chain of home-improvement supply stores numbering about a dozen today.

Bembos S.A.C.: a chain of fast-food restaurants.

Eckerd Perú S.A.: a chain of pharmacy stores operating under the banner “Inkafarma” and containing over 500 pharmacies in total while reporting around $ 1 billion a year in sales.

Tiendas Peruanas S.A.: a chain of department stores currently numbering about a handful operating under the banner “Oeschle”.

Nessus Hoteles Perú S.A.: a chain of 17 hotels now scattered throughout the country while operating under the name “Casa Andina”.

Real Plaza S.R.L.: a chain of 13 indoor malls now in various cities throughout the country.

GlobalNet Limited: a credit card business.

URBI Propiedades S.A.: a residential property developer.

Interseguros S.A.: an insurance firm.

Inteligo Bank Limited: a private bank with branches in the Bahamas and Panama.

Inteligo S.A.B.: an investment bank.

Intertítulos S.T.: an asset management business for high-net-worth individuals.

Interfondos S.A.F.: a mutual fund managing business.

Interbank S.A.: a commercial bank in Peru reporting around $ 1 billion a year in revenue while holding over 200 banking branches scattered throughout the country.

To conclude, already ranked as a billionaire by Forbes, Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor is a magnate growing aggressively in Peru. In fact, owning a conglomerate giving direct employment to over 50,000 Peruvians while expected to exceed $ 5 billion in systemwide sales this year, this Peruvian is someone to be watched closely because he has led an incredible and fast expansion of a group being today one of Peru’s largest conglomerates trailing only the groups led by the Brescia and Romero clans. Accordingly, this entrepreneur has an instinct for grabbing the right businesses at the right time and this trait not only has paid off handsomely but will also allow him to keep on accruing formidable business success that has not yet been achieved.